No Place I'd Rather Be.

So on Thursday I turned 25.Grumpy Cat BirthdayWhich was awesome.And terrifying.And exciting.And a whole lot of other things.And the last couple of years have been a lot of things.  Awesome, terrifying, exciting, challenging, frustrating, enlightening, I could go on forever.  But on Thursday, as I was getting ready for the day and listening to one of my favorite songs since last summer (Rather Be by Clean Bandit, love this version by Pentatonix) I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace.There have been many times since I've moved to Chicago that i've been frustrated, upset, lonely, tired, cold, exhausted, and many other emotions.  There have been many times that I've questioned my decision to move here.  There have been many times that I wish I stayed in the South and wonder what my grad school experience would have been like if I'd done that.But that day, I had this sense that this is where I'm supposed to be in life right now.  Everything is happening like it's supposed to. I made the choice I was supposed to, and I needed to experience all the challenges I have in order to become who I am - and who I will be when I get my degree.  It won't have been easy, but I'll be a better person because of it.  I will always have wondered "What if?" if I didn't make this adventure up North.  I wouldn't have met the amazing classmates, colleagues, and friends I've made here.  I wouldn't have ended up in Nashville last summer for that amazing experience.  I'm right where I should be, doing what I should be doing, with who I should be surrounded by, and it's an amazing feeling to have that sense of peace with your life.I know this might be a fleeting moment, but it's such a relief to have that feeling as I embark on the crazy adventure of figuring out where I'll be next.  I know that wherever I end up will be great, and it will be the right place for me.  What's supposed to happen, will happen.  Right now, even in the middle of January in Chicago, there's no place I'd rather be.


Slowing Down


How to Cut the Small Talk