Travel Season #Goals and Results

Hey, hi, hello, how ya's been a while since we've seen each other!

I clicked over to this site to find a post I started writing almost TWO MONTHS AGO before I started traveling. And it's interesting to read the list of goals I set now that travel season is over and it feels like reading season is well underway.This is a funny job I have: I disappear for two months straight and barely see my dog, my house, and my friends, and then for the next four months I am home nonstop and can even work from home a few days a week.  It's quite a study of extremes...but we all know I don't do anything halfway, so it makes sense for me.

That being said, here are those goals I mentioned:

  1. Eat something green at every meal. Or at least a fruit or vegetable.
  2. No candy. Seriously. Most of it doesn't even taste that good!
  3. Move every day. Since I'll be coming back to teach barre when I'm here, I need to stay in shape. Plus - I feel SO much better when I work out regularly!
  4. Read an actual book each day - not just the interwebs.

So, how did I do?

This is my third travel season and each year the amount of time and stress that goes into planning travel decreases, which is AWESOME. I added on a couple of new territories this year which made for some fun exploring and learning but it's also so nice to have some familiar areas to go back to as well. This was my first travel season with a second job, and I successfully taught 1-3 classes per week for the entire seven weeks I was traveling. I'm not going to lie: this was hard. BUT. It was so worth it, and it was amazing to have a community to come back to.So what are some of the biggest things that happened during travel season?

  1. Intermittent Fasting. Since I quickly realized my schedule wouldn't allow for as much movement as I am used to, I needed to find another way to incorporate a routine into my days, and that came through intermittent fasting. I selected an eight-hour window during which I would eat each day, and only drank liquids outside of that window. This actually worked out very well with my crazy schedule, and I had some of the most energy I've ever had while traveling.
  2. No migraines for SIX WEEKS. Folks, this is an all-time record. From when I started traveling in early September until my second to last week of travel, I didn't have a single migraine. This is amazing for me. The longest I had gone before that was four weeks, in April 2014 when I was writing my Master's thesis. Maybe the trick for me is to be under an abnormal amount of stress??? Halfway joking, but I do find it weird that my two longest stretches have also been two of the times I have been under the most stress. More thoughts to come on this.
  3. Barre! I taught anywhere from 1-4 barre classes for all of travel season. It was so much fun to have something different to come home to, to have a community to see on Mondays and Fridays at 6 am. It made me chuckle a little when I would see my regulars at 6 am and realize that I had stayed in 4 different hotels since the last time I saw them. This has been a huge driving force in finding a better work-life balance.
  4. Finding my community. I have to say: this was the first time I feel like I've truly had a life to come back to here in Nashville. I had plans with friends all throughout travel season, and events to look forward to, and it was awesome to come home and truly feel rooted where I am.
  5. Yoga Sculpt. I took a CorePower Yoga Sculpt class with my friend while we were in Chicago in October, and oh. my. gosh. I love it. It is so hard but also so fun. It's basically yoga with weights in a heated room...if you had told me how much I would love it, I would never have believed you, but here I am.

It was a great season, but I'm so glad to be back at home with my pup.


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