Kim's Finds | Volume 1

I love trying new things as often as possible. I like to think of myself as a human guinea pig, and I try as many new things as I can to see what works and what does not. Here are a few of my recent favorites.

barkTHINS - Almond Dark Chocolate

Y'all, if you haven't tried BarkThins, you are seriously missing out. I got a big bag of the Almond Dark Chocolate variety at Costco and it has surprisingly lasted me over a week, but you can also get these at most major food stores. The coconut ones are my all-time favorite but I like to think that I'm getting some additional protein by eating the almond version. Last night I crumbled up a few pieces on top of some ice cream and it was awesome. This is a great snack if you are a dark chocolate lover!


I went to an event with Yuyo Botanics at Poppy & Monroe a couple of weeks ago, and I finally took the plunge to test out CBD oil for myself. In case you haven't heard of it, CBD oil is an extract from the hemp plant that is non-psychoactive and works on the endocannabinoid system within the human body. Translation: it won't make you high and it helps with pain relief. I've been using the 900 mg PM formula at night and the 500 mg special formulation occasionally in the morning. I also got the salve for topical relief. These tinctures come in a glass bottle with a dropper, and the dropper holds about half a milliliter of the oil at a time, so at night I take two droppers full under my tongue.  These bottles are labeled with how much CBD is in the bottle in total: for example, there is 900 mg of CBD in the PM bottle, so if you do some simple math (which I will not do) that helps you figure out how much is in each dropper full. I've definitely seen that I sleep SO much better when I use my CBD, and I take it in the morning if I have felt particularly stressed. I haven't had a killer migraine since I started taking this about two weeks ago, so I'll keep you updated about how this works for me! There are lots of different places you can get your CBD oil, and in some states it is legal to include THC in these tinctures...I haven't ventured that far yet (partly because that is not legal in TN) but I have heard that the THC is thought to "activate" the CBD and make it more effective. None of these uses are FDA approved quite yet but there sure is plenty of information and anecdotal positive evidence out there.

Natural Deodorant

Lavanila DeodorantThis may be TMI, but at this point I'm fine with that: I'm not a huge deodorant fan. I don't use soap in the shower unless I got super gross, and I only wash my hair twice a week, and nobody has complained yet! I wanted to give natural deodorants a try but I also wanted something that would smell good. I got The Healthy Deodorant from Lavanila at Sephora during the VIB sale, and I have to say, I am loving it so far. The scent (I got Vanilla + Earth) is just right, and I like that it is in a stick form instead of having to smear it all over myself with my fingers. So far so good - I'm not looking for anything that will keep me from sweating, but rather that will help me with the scent when I do sweat.What have you tried lately? What do you think I should try next?


A Week in Kim's Brain


Five Alternative Black Friday Ideas