What’s the point of a Restival?
And why you need to practice rest.
I know what you're thinking: "C’mon Kim, can’t I just rest on the couch in front of the TV?" I mean sure, you can. That’s definitely a way to zone out. But the true definition of rest - or at least the one that has resonated the most with me lately - is to limit cognition and decision-making activities along with physical activity.
So when you’re watching TV you’re probably also scrolling on your phone or playing Candy Crush (because honestly, same) so you’re actually multi-tasking. You’re paying partial attention to multiple things, rather than full attention to one thing. And none of that is restful. (Check out this article for more on how to really rest.)
During the ideal time of rest, you allow your attention to travel inward, and to develop the single pointed focus and withdrawal of the senses we so rarely practice when we’re in our daily lives. Not only are you allowing your body to be still, you also allow the fluctuations of your thoughts and emotions to still. And ultimately, that’s the whole point of yoga. And thus, why we bring you the Restival.
Real talk: Running a business - even in an area I love with a passion! - is hard work. And after a month of events for our anniversary last year, I ended up in the hospital with an appendix that needed to be removed (and 3 weeks later got Covid). Let’s just say I learned my lesson about rest the hard way. So as our way of thanking you for spending any part of the last 2 years with us, we want to share with you our favorite ways to rest.
The Restival is a highlight reel of all our favorite modalities for slowing down and calming our nervous systems. Join us for as much or as little as your schedule allows.
Restore + Sound Bath is an evening of practicing deep rest and deep listening. It’s an evening to slow down and tune in to your inner wisdom, and it essentially feels like one long cocoon of a savasana in a 75 minute class.
Yoga Nidra + Gentle Movement starts with a brief period of gentle movement to wind down the nervous system and prepare the body to be at rest during the Yoga Nidra practice, a rest-based mediation journey through the five energetic bodies. On Sunday evening you’ll even get to enjoy live music synthesized during class by Taro Yamazaki - a one-of-a-kind experience.
We’ve also got Roll + Restore and Mindful Stress Management, which will empower you to manage your own stress mentally, physically, and emotionall once you leave the studio. You'll walk away from each of these sessions with tools you can implement in your everyday life, plus a community of support that’s cheering you on as you do so.
And last but not least, we’ve gotta have some fun! We’ve got yoga with Andy, our favorite studio dog, on Saturday morning and a plant care workshop that afternoon.
This is truly a weekend of our favorite things, and we cannot wait to share them with you. Grab your spot now - space is limited, and these events will fill up!