Why do we roll?
If you’ve ever been to one of our classes you might know that we LOVE our Tune Up Fitness massage balls. But what’s the point of rolling? And what are all those “Roll +” classes that we offer? Why do we think this is a valuable addition to your yoga and fitness routine?
There are SO many benefits to rolling, so allow us to share a handful of our favorites:
Pain Relief
The balls help you un-stick muscles from their repetitive use patterns that can cause our daily aches and pains. We've had students with chronic pain find major relief and a new range of motion in just one class! The balls help increase your proprioception which causes a decrease in pain.
Increases Mobility
The balls help hydrate and mobilize your fascia, which can cause an increase in mobility throughout your body (not just in the part you roll!)
Better Breathing
Increased mobility in your shoulders, ribs, spine, and pelvis helps your diaphragm move more effortlessly, allowing you to breathe easier.
Improves Performance
New research shows that massage prior to exercise increases the force output of your muscles. Increased force output plus better mobility means safer workouts and more gains.
Sense of Calm
When you can breathe and move more easily, your body moves into a state of parasympathetic arousal. This means that your rest and digest functions are able to upregulate and help you feel calmer. Side effects of rolling include better sleep!
Increases Body Awareness
Last but not least, when you increase your proprioception and decrease pain, you're more aware of exactly what you feel and where you feel it. And through the process of rolling you learn about your personal anatomy, empowering you to understand how your own body works.
Want to learn more about rolling?
Come to any of our classes with Roll in the name: Roll + Release, Roll + Restore, or Roll + Flow.
If you’re ready to dive deeper, you can also join us for the Roll Model Method Training September 8-10. More info is available here.